Minor edit after publication, removing use of the word 'man' where unneeded.

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Yet one more problem with the 'cashless society' coercion they want us to give in to. As mentioned, I see how it makes it much harder to tell who the trafficker is.

Although BP and LEOs are experts at spotting liars and fakers.

I never realized the trafficker is typically the only one with money. Reminds me of pimps, abusive spouses, and nursing homes. That is a perilous situation for anyone to be in.

He or she can decide who gets water, food, or medical. If at all.

Judging by the increase in deceased people's bodies being stumbled across, I wish somehow these traffickers could be charged with murder. I know that's not feasible, but I wish some kind of justice for the ones who were left to die alone in the dirt.

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It is not uncommon for a coyote to tell his charges "Wait here, I need to go check something," and abandon them. If they don't know the route, or have no facility for land navigation in the wilderness, they can wander in circles before dying. Some are lucky and will stumble upon a highway or ranch road, or some other ranch structure like a stock pond or tank.

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