
Thanks again for another great article. I can see your craft in researching and writing your articles is really ramping up. Bravo!

A huge THANK YOU for properly noting that the shots are not a vaccine. Changing the definition of a word does not fool me. It should not fool anyone. Some studies are showing that to remain above 80% efficacy people would need to have a shot every 6 weeks and that at one point the shots actually make people more susceptible to the wuflu. That simply is not how an actual vaccine works. Anyone can do a web search for "wayback machine, CDC definition of vaccine" and then can see the previous definitions of the word vaccine and other related words. Politics and companies and individuals that are greedy and wish to use power to make more wealth for themselves shouldn't have any influence upon the English language itself.

Source: A medical researcher and Doctor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnB8Tep92Us

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